Vampire Lift (PRP)

Vampire Lift (PRP)

Firmer and more beautiful skin, with your own blood!

The Vampire Lift is an autologous blood therapy (PRP-Therapy). Stars and influencers swear by this treatment, as only natural endogenous substances are used. Your own rejuvenation serum (plasma) is extracted from your blood and directly re-injected into your skin. This supports the regeneration and cell renewal of your skin. In addition, it also promotes the production of skin-rejuvenating substances such as collagen and hyaluronic acid. After the treatment, your skin is firm, radiant and has a great glow.

Also, hair growth can be stimulated and improved with this treatment! The following areas are treated in the HY STUDIO:


The independent doctors at HY STUDIO will be happy to advise you and cater to your wishes. So nothing stands in the way of a natural and fresh result!


A treatment usually lasts 30 to 45 minutes .


First effect on average after 2 to 4 weeks .


Approx. 1 year
Ideally, the first treatment should be followed by 1 to 2 further treatments at intervals of 4 to 6 weeks in order to achieve a particularly good result.


Lighter sports such as jogging or yoga are allowed on the following day. Strenuous sports only after 48 hours.


1 week : No strong UV radiation. No spa, hammam, jacuzzi, swimming pool.

Consultation at HY STUDIO

The best thing to do is come to one of the studios for a non-binding consultation and see together with the independent doctor which treatment is best for you.

Just call us at 030 / 9212 4822 or make an appointment directly online!


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forehead wrinkles

Forehead Furrows



*The prices quoted are calculated according to the individual wishes of the patient and the respective circumstances in each individual case on the basis of the GOÄ, whereby we agree on a fee amount that deviates from the GOÄ with the patient. The services mentioned do not belong to the catalog of services of the statutory health insurance companies and/or health insurance companies and are therefore regularly to be paid for at the patient’s own expense.

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