Treatment Finder

Are you looking for the right treatment for you, but don’t know which type of treatment is right for you? Find out now with our Treatment Finder.

HY - Treatment Finder

Are you female or male?

How old are you?

Is your "problem zone" in the upper or middle/lower face area?

Would you like to build up new volume or reduce expression lines?

Are botulinum & hyaluron an option for you?

Let's talk about botulinum!

Our analysis has shown that a botulinum treatment would be just right for you. Botulinum treatments are mainly used on the upper half of the face. The effect of botulinum helps the muscles to relax so that wrinkles disappear gently and gently. The most popular treatment zones are frown lines and forehead lines. Wrinkles and forehead wrinkles quickly make you look grim and older. Find the right treatment for you now and make an appointment.

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Let's talk about hyaluronic acid!

Our analysis has shown that a hyaluron treatment would be just the right thing for you. Hyaluron treatments help to build up lost volume and make the skin look fresh and firm again. In addition, hyaluronic acid can even out or accentuate small imperfections. Each hyaluron treatment provides the skin with additional moisture. The most popular zones are the treatment of the lips and the dark circles under the eyes, followed closely by the car body. Find the right treatment for you now and make an appointment.

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Let's talk about Lasers/other Treatments!

Our analysis has shown that laser treatment or PRP autologous blood therapy would be just right for you. Both treatments boost collagen production and thus provide your skin with new elasticity and freshness. In PRP autologous blood therapy, only the body's own substances are used, which allow the skin to radiate a healthy glow. Find the right treatment for you now and make an appointment.

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