Forehead Furrows

Forehead Furrows

A smooth forehead full of youthful freshness!

Do you unconsciously wrinkle your forehead with your facial expressions? Often you don’t even notice it in conversations and only then do you see the fine lines in the mirror, which over time become deeper wrinkles. Sadly, this is only the case for as long as the elasticityand resilience of the skin are present, which unfortunately decreases with age.

In general, prevention is better than a cure.

To minimise the first signs or already deep wrinkles, we rely on the miracle weapon botulinum. It gently relaxes the muscles and naturally reduces forehead furrows.

The self-employed doctors at HY STUDIO will advise you in detail and help you to make your forehead furrows disappear. The treatment is quick and painless.


A botulinum treatment usually lasts 15 minutes.


With botulinum after 2 to 10 , more rarely 14 days .


With a treatment with botulinum 3 to 6 months.


Lighter sports such as jogging or yoga allowed the following day , no strenuous sports for 48 hours.


Treatment day: No make-up.
1 week: No strong UV radiation. No spa, hammam, jacuzzi, swimming pool. No (facial) massages, peelings, facials.
2 weeks: Apply sunscreen with SPF 50 daily.

Expression lines

Your combination of:

Crow’s Feet, Forehead Furrows and Frown Lines

Simply book a treatment and tell the doctor any additional zones you want.

Consultation at HY STUDIO

The best thing to do is come to one of the studios for a consultation and see together with the self-employed doctor which treatment is best for you.

Just call us at 030 / 9212 4822 or make an appointment directly online!


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frown line

Frown Lines


Chin Correction

*The prices quoted are calculated according to the individual wishes of the patient and the respective circumstances in each individual case on the basis of the GOÄ, whereby we agree on a fee amount that deviates from the GOÄ with the patient. The services mentioned do not belong to the catalog of services of the statutory health insurance companies and/or health insurance companies and are therefore regularly to be paid for at the patient’s own expense.

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